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An Easier Way to Learn about Herbs and Use Them with Confidence
Even if you’ve never made herbal medicine before
- Have you ever felt confused learning about herbs and herbal medicine?
- Or have you flipped through online searches trying to figure out which herbs to use for specific problems, without getting the answers you need?
- Have you ever signed up for an online herb course and then gotten bogged down in the information but found the online support forum didn’t actually offer the support you needed
- Have you ever paid for an expensive online course, only to find out that you lost access because it took you too long to complete the course.
- Have you looked at the state of the world and wondered how you could build resilience for whatever lies ahead.
- Have you wanted to create an herbal apothecary from local herbs to improve your preparedness plans
- Do you want to shift from reliance on OTC drugs and the pharmakeia medical paradigm to working with natural herbs
You’re not alone. I understand how hard it is to navigate the deluge of herbal education and online information, and find a resource you can trust, that actually worked for you and allowed you to grow your confidence in using herbal remedies in your own home, while supporting you as you learn.
But imagine that:
♥ You had an online group of like-minded friends that you could come to and ask questions and dip into the collective herbal wisdom freely shared
♥You had ongoing coaching to help you develop your knowledge and confidence in growing and using herbs
♥ You easily mastered the time tested methods of growing and using herbs for prevention, self care, cooking, and family wellness.
♥You completed masterclass after masterclass by investing just 15 to 20 minutes a day in your herbal studies.
♥You gained a firm foundation in herbalism through both introductory, intermediate, and advanced herbalism studies at your own pace
♥ You had a growing herbal home apothecary that was ready to keep your family healthy on demand
♥ You developed your technique to choose the right remedy with the right herbs and no longer doubted your own intuition
♥ You had a simple step by step plan to empower you to confidently and skillfully make herbs an integral part of your wellness strategy
♥ Your family and friends come to you for natural remedies because they recognize your growing skill and wisdom
♥You had confidence to vet scientific studies to understand which ones were valid in evaluating the efficacy of natural products
♥You had an in-demand set of skills that made you welcome in autonomous communities in challenging times.
Say “yes” to growing skills and wisdom
Only $50US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
Why I created the DIY Herbal Fellowship
Herbs heal us. We call them allies or helpers because they help our body do what it was made to do — repair itself. But herbs are complicated and the amount of information you need to know to use them safely and effectively can be overwhelming.
Four years ago, I founded the DIY Herbal Fellowship to help people learn to use herbs to help their families heal. I wanted to simplify the complexity of herbal knowledge to make it easier for busy people to learn herbs and get these herbal allies working in their own family.
There were a lot of good online herbal courses that poured out herbal knowledge, but they were expensive, overwhelming, and lacked several important components that make learning faster and easier. I saw a lot of busy moms purchase online classes and then never get past the first module. I saw the frustration, the overwhelm, and the feeling of being alone and unsupported in the journey. And frankly, online herbal studies weren’t fun.
I designed the DIY Herbal Fellowship to return the wonder to learning herbs.
- Classes are divided into easy, bite size pieces meant to be watched during a break
- Games and fun are an integral part of the learning process
- Lessons contain practical hands-on projects to increase knowledge retention and give you immediate success while you build your home apothecary
- Students are supported through online mentoring, social times, and monthly community Q and A calls
The DIY Herbal Fellowship will help YOU:
- Put healing herbs to work for you right away
- Support your body’s innate healing capacity
- Build confidence and skill using common herbs for every day wellness
- Master time tested herbal remedy techniques that are safe and effective
- Nurture your family and your natural home with long term wellness in mind
- Break down information overwhelm into a simple step by step success path so you can get results faster
- Have ongoing support, coaching, and mentoring in your herbal learning, where you can ask questions in the safe and effective use of herbs for wellness
- Prepare for challenge times by giving you an essential survival skill set
- Create the herbal remedies you need to prep for every season with others who are doing the same
Say “yes” to more confidence using herbs and making herbal remedies
Only $50 US per month
Or save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
Your bonuses when you join today
Bonus 1 – DIY Spa Day Guide, How to Make Everything You Need for an Immune Boosting Spa Day Retreat at Home For Maximum Relaxation (Value: $47)
If you are thinking you are too busy, too stressed, and you don’t have time right now, this bonus is going to help you.
We recognize that with the stressful times we are living in, you might be in great need of a little stress-reduction time. But with the rising costs of self-care luxuries and spa appointments its hard to justify the extra expense. This step by step guide offers you a plan for creating both a mini retreat and a full day retreat at home to relax and escape from the pressures facing your family right now. This time of relaxation will soothe your body and support your natural immunity. That’s going to help your whole family thrive in this unprecedented time.
This workbook includes directions to create the premium natural spa treatments found in luxury spas all over the world, using wholesome, natural ingredients, you probably already have, at a fraction of the cost of visiting your local spa.
This bonus alone could save you the value of your annual membership. ($47 value)
Bonus 2 — Hosting a Make and Take Workshop (Value: $97 )
If you are thinking that you can’t afford to invest in your herbal education right now, this bonus class is going to help you. Get ready in 2022 to launch your make and take workshops once your community is open again. This bonus class may* help you raise the money to pay for your annual membership, grow your reputation as an expert in your local community, and give you experience in planning and creating an herbal event for future success. This class guides you step by step from reserving the venue, to ordering supplies, and even creating handouts and work stations during the event, to help your event run smoothly. ($97 value) ( *Revenues are not guaranteed.)
That’s two bonuses that will save you money and help you discover new ways to earn extra cash while you learn to use herbs with confidence and begin to build connections.
Natural remedies are growing all around you
A few years ago, travelling to the city, I stopped at a gas station to use the facilities. Inside the bathroom there was a mom with three little girls. The mom had a bag of ice cubes. One of the girls had a red, swollen finger. She’d just been stung by a wasp.
I told the mom about an herb that works quickly to stop the pain and swelling of wasp stings, and actually removes the venom from the injury. The mom was polite but unmoved, until I stooped down and picked a few leaves and handed them to her. Everything changed at that moment. That mom became empowered to help her little girl’s pain, with a leaf — a leaf that she could find on the side of the trail, anywhere she traveled, without cost, without complications.
And that wayside plant is just the beginning of so many stories of empowerment through herbs.
Meet Tammy
Recently Tammy, one of the members of the DIY Herbal Fellowship, wanted to help her son. Her son is a professional umpire and one of the hazards of his job is getting hit with the baseball. Some of those balls are pitched at 100 miles per hour. It leaves a deep and painful bruise if it hits your arm or your thigh. Tammy’s son was getting hit with the ball regularly.
But Tammy wasn’t helpless. Tammy learned in the DIY Herbal Fellowship a few herbs that help with deep bruising, pain, and inflammation. She made up a travel kit with salve, tea bag poultices, and a tincture using herbs that grew in her backyard and close to home, to help her son heal faster.
A few days later she reported that his bruising and pain was gone in just 3 days, compared to him suffering pain and bruising for more than a week without the herbs. Tammy was empowered to make these remedies, and now her son also is becoming empowered. Instead of just waiting out a bad injury, he has a way to heal faster and easier with herbs, thanks to his mom’s herbal wisdom.
The benefits of the DIY Herbal Fellowship education has a ripple effect to our families, our neighbors, and even complete strangers, like that Mom I met in the washroom.
Even if you’ve failed to finish other online courses I can help you learn to use herbs successfully
I developed the DIY Herbal Fellowship to fill the gap where other more expensive online programs fail. People learn best by using all their senses. Many online programs give you lots of head knowledge and information. But they fail to empower you with the intuition you need to use herbs in practical ways in your own family. This intuition comes only from experience and hands on practice. And you don’t get that from a textbook.
While herbal medicine has traditionally been passed on through mentoring and coaching paradigms, most expensive online programs leave you on your own to consume the material. Some even block your ability to move forward in your studies until you’ve passed written tests, without coaching you through the hard stuff.
The special framework I teach inside the DIY Herbal Fellowship won’t leave you at a dead end, unable to proceed in your herbal studies. It will give you the tools you need and the mentoring you desire to thrive in your herbal studies, and gain confidence in growing herbs and creating herbal remedies that are safe and effective for your family.
Why you can trust me
I’m the mom of 3 adult children that I home-schooled through their high school years. I’ve taught in-person plant workshops in my local community since 2003. I understand that our brains remember best when our hands are involved in rewarding work. My proven framework will help you get results faster and build an herbal intuition you can rely on.
I’m also a village herbalist that has been growing herbs and making herbal remedies and skin care products for 40 years. I’ve studied herbs with The Herbal Academy, The Homegrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine, Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, and The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine.
I’m the author of 5 books about self reliance and natural health, including the Dehydrator Cookbook for Beginners (Rockridge Press, 2022), The Beeswax Workshop (Ulysses Press, 2017), The Beginner’s Book of Essential Oils (2015), and Homegrown Healing (2016), as well as a second food preservation book coming out in October.
My husband and I founded Joybilee Farm in 2007 where I help moms grow their own food and medicine so that they can create health and wellness for their families naturally and break free from the matrix.
I founded the DIY Herbal Fellowship in 2018 to help women grow and forage for herbs and use them to make safe and effective home remedies to help their families and their communities stay healthy and thrive.
As our world rapidly changes, it becomes more and more important to establish local and regional sources of both food and medicinal plants for health and wellness. The DIY Herbal Fellowship can help you do just that, whether your goal is to serve your own family or the wider community.
This is what our members say about the DIY Herbal Fellowship:
The DIY Herbal Fellowship
Join us in the DIY Herbal Fellowship and make rapid progress in using herbs with confidence, applying what you learn through hands on herb gardening and medicine making. Craft a customized herbal apothecary and ditch the drugstore through our masterclasses and quarterly challenges. And get ongoing support for your herbal learning through our monthly coffee chats and question and answer live sessions.
The DIY Herbal Fellowship is the most affordable herbal education available, focused on growing herbs, foraging, and making herbal medicine from scratch for your family or for your community. Our approach helps you learn herbs easier and faster because it builds body memory and herbal intuition while you grow in your herbal knowledge step by step. Our students learn in a supportive community where they receive feedback on their studies and get their questions answered, helping them master their studies easier and faster.
Join today and get the most affordable herbal education
Only $50 US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
The DIY Herbal Fellowship is the most affordable herbal education available.
We keep it affordable by offering this comprehensive herbal education via a membership model. As a member you gain access to the entire curriculum to work through at your own pace. You keep access to all the classes inside the membership as long as you remain a member in good standing. A new masterclass and a new herb of the month class are added each and every month, so your membership just keeps getting more valuable.
Here’s what you get each month for less than $2 a day:
Inside the DIY Herbal Fellowship you’ll get 6 things to enjoy and build your herbal knowledge and experience each month.
1.An new no-fluff masterclass focused on one aspect of herbs and natural health with practical ways to use what you learn immediately to help you remember what you learn. (a $197 value each and every month)
2. A printable — recipe book, project book, or workbook that complements the monthly masterclass (a $15 to $30 value each and every month)
3. The Herb of the Month Class — focused on a new herbal ally, every single month you’ll do a deep dive into one herb, getting to know it really well so that you can use it with confidence in your own herbal apothecary. There are 24 Herbs to choose from so you can pick the one that’s most relevant to your needs to begin your journey. ($97 value each and every month)
4. A live group session with Chris or a guest expert focused on the monthly topic where you can get help with any questions you have and group coaching to help you overcome any hurdles you found in the monthly focus — these are recorded for those who can’t make the live call. ($100 value)
5. A private, member’s only community where you can ask your questions and get immediate feedback about your projects and ideas. ($150 value)
6. A monthly social time to get together with Chris and the other DIY Herbal Members to talk about anything you want (Priceless)
Plus when you join today you’ll also get access to your choice of the 60+ evidence-based masterclasses already inside the Member’s dashboard. These masterclasses are being used by professionals like nurses, naturopaths, massage therapists, pharmacists, and professional healers inside our community to improve their knowledge of herbs.
But don’t let that intimidate you. Our classes also help beginners gain mastery quickly. With over $10,000 worth of herbal masterclasses waiting for you, we provide a customized success plan to help you pick the perfect class to start your DIY Herbal journey and then help you keep the momentum going.
Total value you receive each and every month: $650+
As well as the monthly resources, you’ll also gain immediate access to:
- 70+ evidence-based masterclasses inside the Member’s Vault: $14,000+ value
- AND 40+ Materia Medica focused classes to help you find your personal best herbs: $4000 Value
- AND a library of over 80 Printables, Recipe books, and Quick Start Guides to help you apply what you learn: $1600+ value
Total Value you receive inside the membership: $19,600+
All this for less than $2 a day.
Here’s just a few of these Masterclasses you can choose from right away:
Here’s what you’ll find on the inside:
Classes in Herbal Medicine Preparation:
- Poultices, Wound Sprays, & Fomentations
- Making Herbal Salves
- DIY Herbal First Aid Kit
- Herbal Fermentation
- Small Batch Herbal Mead Making
- Preserving Garden Herbs
- Essential Oil Chemistry
- Flavonoids and Antioxidants
- Apocalypse Apothecary
- Working with Resins
- Working with Beeswax
- Water Wellness
- Rose Medicine
- Herbal Pills, Capsules, and Electuaries
- Herbal Glycerites
- Warming Herbs and Herbal Energetics
Classes in Herbs for Specific Body Symptoms:
- Antibiotic Herbs
- Herbs for Menopause and Peri-Menopause
- Herbs for the Heart
- Herbs for Bone Health
- Herbs for the Respiratory System
- Herbs for the Digestive System
- Herbs for Brain Health
- Herbs for the Immune System
- Herbs for the Lower Digestive System
- Herbs for the Nervous System
- Herbs for Liver and Gallbladder
- Herbs for the Urinary Tract
Classes in Herbs for Specific Health Needs:
- Herbal Pain Management
- Herbal Adaptogens
- Herbal Antivirals
- Herbal Stress Management
- CBD Oil for Wellness
- Herbal Skin Care and Antiaging
- Herbs for Animals
- Safe Herbs for Pregnancy and Lactation
- Radio-protective Herbs
- Using Herbs with Children
Classes in Herb Gardening:
- Preparing Your Herb Garden for Success
- Herb Garden Season Extenders
- Companion Planting with Herbs
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- CBD Oil
- Hydroponic Herb Gardening
- Permaculture for Herbalists
- Edible Flowers
Classes in Herbal Lifestyle and Self Reliance
- Herbal Soap Making
- Melt and Pour Soap Making Using Herbs
- Herbal Cleaning Supplies
- Natural Dyeing and Therapeutic Cloth
- Foraging for Medicinal Herbs
- Organize Your Herbal Pantry
- The Village/Community Herbalist
- Culinary Herbs
- DIY Herbal Gifts
- Conifers in the Kitchen
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- Materia Medica
- Teaching Herbs to Children
- Personal Wellness Planning
- Planning and Prepping for Herbalists
- Super Charged Soup
- Herb Business Startup
- Herbs for Hygge
And so much more…
Say “yes” to natural wellness and herbal mastery now!
Only $50 US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
Even if you are a beginner we’ve got you covered
No one is born knowing how to intuitively use herbs for healing and wellness. It’s a muscle you can develop through hands on, DIY practice. The DIY Herbal Fellowship let’s you make progress learning about herbs easier and faster, through our special framework that engages both sides of your brain. Our method won’t just help you remember facts about herbs but also help you build that intuitive muscle, at your own pace.
Join us in the DIY Herbal Fellowship and make rapid progress learning about herbs and apply what you learn through practical, hands on projects so that you can grow in confidence, empowerment, and intuition in using herbs easier and faster. Gain mastery quickly through our special framework that includes key coaching sessions each month.
The DIY Herbal Fellowship Membership takes the confusion out of herbs and helps you gain the confidence to keep your family healthy, even in times like these.
Become a DIY Herbal Fellowship member by clicking on the button below
Say “yes” to leaving the matrix today!
Only $50 US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
From our members
What would learning about herbs and having confidence in using herbs in your home, mean to you?
- You would no longer be reliant on the contradictory information on the internet about herbs and essential oils.
- You would no longer be dependent on broken supply chains or dehumanizing technocrats
- You would have confidence to sift through the media messages that are sponsored by drug companies to find the truth about supporting the bodies innate healing ability
- You would save money by making your own herbal remedies instead of relying on over the counter drugs or expensive ready made herbal remedies from the health supplement store.
- You would know intuitively which wild weed to grab when your child or grand child is screaming because they cut themselves, a bee stung them, or they have a nose bleed.
- You will have the digestive remedy in your cupboard to stop the stomach ache, quell the vomiting, or relieve the tenderness and bloating.
- You’ll confidently pass on this herbal intuition to your children, your grand children, and your friends, so that they, too, will be confident in their use of herbs.
- You’ll have a dedicated group of fellow-healers who are in the fellowship with you, who are ready and willing to tell you what worked for them, when faced with some of the same issues facing you.
- For the price of a bottle of elderberry syrup, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to confidently use herbs, essential oils, and even the vegetables and flowers in your garden for optimal wellness.
- You’ll confidently use a self-care strategy that keeps you energized so that you can bring your best self to the world and to your family every day.
- You’ll create herbal medicines that are potent and effective using the plants you grow yourself, forage, or purchase from reputable online suppliers.
- You’ll design and plant a garden that feeds and heals your family and also brings healing to the bees and birds in your back yard.
- You’ll gain eyes to see the wild herbal remedies growing by the wayside, on vacant lots, and even in your own backyard, so you can harvest them at their peak of potency.
- You might even gain so much confidence that you begin to explore ways to sell the herbal products you are creating, and fund your herbal education.
Sunflower sprouts, cucumber and edible flowers salad on wooden bowl
But what if you don’t join now?
- You can keep on searching the internet for the symptoms you or your loved one has, and sifting through the contradictory information, hoping you hit on something that will help.
- You can keep on experimenting on your family, one herbal remedy or over the counter drug at a time. Looking for just the right combination that will ease their symptoms and help them feel better.
- You can invest in a much higher priced herbal education that sits in your inbox waiting for you to find the time to start the course, before it expires and you lose your investment.
- You can put off making the syrups, salves, and tinctures now, and then look for them in the middle of the flu season, risking that suppliers may be out of stock.
- You can keep looking longingly at your herbal library and telling yourself you’ll find the time to read more next winter or when you retire.
- You can decide now that you will join the DIY Herbal Fellowship in 2023 when the doors open again, and expect to pay more each month.
But if you join now:
- By joining the DIY Herbal Fellowship today you get to lock in at just $50 per month, or $500 per year, for as long as you remain a member in good standing.
- You can choose any of the Masterclasses already in the course library and begin your DIY herbal masterclasses immediately. They are all available to you as soon as you join.
- You’ll get a customized plan so that you know your next step and can make rapid progress, rather than being overwhelmed and wondering what to focus on next.
- You’ll get immediate access to all the printables, ebooks, and workbooks inside the membership, to download and use right away, so even if the internet goes down you’ll still have the recipes you need for wellness.
- You’ll connect with the most affordable, no-fluff, herbal education available anywhere.
- You’ll make friends who also love herbs and want to see you grow as an herbalist.
- You’ll finally be home, with friends who love plants and love DIYing with herbs, too.
- You’ll build a local inventory of herbs and herbal remedies and know how to use them so you won’t be dependant on failing supply chains
- You’ll gain the unshakable knowledge you need to make herbal medicine from weeds. No one can take that away from you!
Say “Yes” to your herbal confidence today
Only $50 US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
Our Happiness Guarantee
We want you to be happy with your purchase. We have a 99% happiness rate. But if you join the DIY Herbal Fellowship and then find it wasn’t what you were expecting, just email us and we’ll refund your purchase price anytime in the first 20 days after joining. After the first month you can cancel any time. There’s no minimum membership period.
Become a DIY Herbal Fellowship member by clicking on the button below
Only $50 US per month
Save $100 with an annual membership
Just $500 US per year
If you have questions you can reach me here.
I hope to see you inside the DIY Herbal Fellowship Membership today.
©Joybilee Farm, 2024